Chiropractic for Kids & Why Families are Choosing It
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Chiropractic for Kids & Why Families are Choosing It

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Chiropractors have been caring for kids for more than a hundred years. Chiropractic care is safe, natural and is very effective at decreasing childhood ailments, discomforts and helping to balance growing bodies.

More and more parents are seeking chiropractic care for their kiddos today, and not just for pain or illness.

So why are more and more parents seeking chiropractic care for their little ones?

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractors work with your nervous system to decrease any unnecessary stressors from your body and allow your body to function the way it’s designed to.

While many associate chiropractic care with relief from neck pain, back pain and headaches, that’s really only the tip of the iceberg since only 10% of nerves contribute to feeling, vs. the 90% that contribute to function.

The purpose of chiropractic care is to remove any interference from the nervous system, which is in charge of controlling and coordinating every system, organ, cell and tissue within our body; because of this, a number of health benefits can be experienced once your body is functioning at its best and released from interference.

Why do kids need chiropractic care?

The purpose of chiropractic care is to find and remove any interference to the nervous system, so that you’re best able to heal and function the way your body was designed.

This interference can come from physical, chemical and emotional trauma and stress.

Children most commonly encounter their first physical stress during the birth process, as the average tension placed on a baby’s neck during a traditional birth is over 80 lbs. of pressure! If the upper neck is misaligned, nerve signals can be disrupted as they travel from the brain to the rest of their body.

With a properly aligned spine and functioning nervous system kids and entire families can benefit from a clear path of signal transmission, thus setting up their bodies for optimum health and healing.

As children continue to grow, they often encounter many falls, sports injuries, playground bumps and heavy backpack stress. Although it often seems that children “bounce back” from this type of trauma, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the problem is gone.

Without being corrected, symptoms may present in the future or cause other problems down the road that may have easily been prevented.

Since significant spinal trauma can occur at birth, many proactive parents are electing to have their newborn’s spine checked following delivery.

This helps to allow their tiny body to function at it’s best, meet important developmental milestones, such as holding their head up, sitting, crawling, and walking, and prevent future problems.

What does chiropractic care involve?

First we will conduct a thorough history of your child’s health, birth story and any concerns.

Following the history we will perform a neurological examination and evaluation to determine your child’s level of function and discover if any interference to their nervous system, known as subluxations, are present.

Following the complete consultation and examination a report of findings will be scheduled to discuss the findings of the exam and recommended care going forward.

Then if necessary your child will receive a gentle, safe, and effective adjustment to their nervous system. A pediatric adjustment is very gentle and only requires the amount of pressure you would use to gently check the ripeness of an avocado.

Does it hurt?

Chiropractic care for children is very gentle- sometimes infants even sleep through their adjustment.

If a child has an injury or is sensitive to touch they may initially experience a bit of tenderness, however since adjustments work to remove interference and allow for optimal function, symptoms are often quickly decreased.

Most parents report that their kids enjoy their adjustments and look forward to their next visit.

How long will it take?

Children and babies often respond very quickly, because unlike adults, their problems have not been present for near as long. We firmly believe that “it’s better to grow healthy children, than to fix injured adults”.

Is it safe?

The risks of a child suffering notable injury from a spinal adjustment are extremely minimal.

In fact, preliminary data and research done by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) tells us that chiropractic care for children may be one of the safest forms of health care available.

Chiropractors have been adjusting children for more than 100 years and have an excellent safety record. So much so, that their malpractice often costs less than you pay for your car insurance.

Common reasons kids visit the chiropractor:

  • recurrent ear infections
  • breastfeeding difficulties
  • sleep disturbances
  • allergic reactions
  • chronic infection
  • persistent sore throats and colds
  • colic/reflux
  • asthma
  • scoliosis
  • headaches
  • bedwetting and/or constipation
  • growing pains
  • ADHD

By assessing for and removing any interference found in your nervous system, regular chiropractic care is an important pillar to living a healthy lifestyle and blooming into your goals.

To conveniently make an appointment for yourself, your kiddo, or your entire family at our Lakewood, CO holistic center schedule here, or feel free to call us at (720) 328-1128 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

If you are not in the Lakewood, Colorado area, click here to find a pediatric chiropractor near you.